Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Moved Over To Wordpress...

Hey everyone, I've moved over to Wordpress and started blogging there.  I have two sites...
The first is Heretical Jargon, which is mainly focused around comics and movies
The second is Random Incoherent Jargon, which is my personal blog, mainly focused on life and stuff

I made this move because I wanted to expand my comic book blog into something bigger as I was getting almost 500 hits daily and needed a better blogging source for my readers.  Wordpress allows me to do much more so I decided to switch my personal blog on over to as well.

Don't worry, my personal blog won't be anything like my comic book blog.  So if you don't care about the comic book world, just subscribe to Random Incoherent Jargon.  See ya there!

Personal Blog -

Friday, February 25, 2011

Sound Of The Rockies Annual Show, March 5th

If you're aren't busy, come see my chorus' annual show featuring the 2007 International Quartet Champions, Max Q along with many other talented quartets.  March 5th with two shows at 2:00 PM and 7:30 PM.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

E-mail Scams With Dr. Kabo Uago

So...have you ever received an e-mail from a an African Doctor wanting to make a huge financial transaction with me through the Bank of Africa.  I've received this e-mail more times than I'd like to I thought I'd post it here for all of you to see.  If you get something like this in your e-mail, do yourself a favor and delete it.  Or call the number and give the one picking it up false information and screw with him...your call.

Dear Friend, 
I am the head of Accounts and Audit Department of Bank of Africa, Ouagadougou . I decided to contact you after a careful thought that you may be capable of handling this business transaction which I explained below; 
In my department, I discovered an abandoned sum of $13.5m US dollars (Thirteen million, five hundred thousand US dollars). In an account that belongs to one of our foreign customer who died along with his entire family in 2003 in a plane crash.

Since i got information about his death, The bank have been expecting his next of kin to come over and claim his money because The fund cannot be released unless somebody applies for it as next of kin or relation to the deceased as indicated in our banking guidelines but unfortunately I learnt that his supposed next of kin(his son and wife) died alongside with him at the plane crash leaving nobody behind for the claim .It is therefore upon this discovery that I now decided to make this business proposal to you and release the money to you as the next of kin (I want to present you as his business associate )to the deceased for safety and subsequent disbursement since nobody is coming for it and I don't want this money to go into the Bank treasury as unclaimed Bill. 

The Banking law and guideline here stipulates that if such money remained Unclaimed after seven years, the money will be transferred into the Bank treasury as unclaimed fund.. The request of foreigner as next of kin in this business is occasioned by the fact that the customer was a foreigner and a Burkina be cannot stand as next of kin to a foreigner.

I agree that 35% of this money will be for you as foreign partner, in respect to the provision of a foreign account, 10 % will be set aside for expenses incurred during the business and 55% would be for me . There after I will visit your country for disbursement according to the percentages indicated. Therefore to enable the immediate transfer of this fund to your account as arranged, you must apply first to the bank as next of kin of the deceased customer. 

Upon receipt of your reply, I will send to you by fax or email the text of the application. I will not fail to bring to your notice that this transaction is hitch free and that you should not entertain any atom of fear as all required arrangements have been made for the transfer.. 

I expect that you contact me immediately as soon as you receive this letter, and send me your personal data including your international passport before i send you the full details for continuation of this transaction. 

Hoping to hear from you immediately. 

Yours faithfully, 
Dr.Kabo Uago
Accounts & Audit Department, 
Bank of Africa .

Saturday, February 19, 2011

A Tribute To Dr. Bernice Johnson Reagon

Probably one of the most amazing singers and heartfelt performers in America today.  She is one of my musical heroes and no one will ever compete with the type of musicality she has brought to American music.  Thank you Bernice Johnson Reagon, you are an inspiration.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Strange Blood Sugar Issues

So I first had my blood sugar problems back when I was still in Budapest, Hungary. I was at a mall in the city with mom, dad and Micah.  I hadn't had breakfast that morning and I basically fainted and collapsed right on the floor in the middle of the mall.  This was close to the time where we were moving back to the states so my mom decided to wait until we got back to see if I had Diabetes or Hypoglycemic.  As most of you know, it was the low blood sugar.  From that point on, I began eating smaller meals throughout the days to help keep me from falling victim to another attack.  I haven't done that so much now, but still try to eat something small most days like an apple, or some type of fruit.

For the last few years, however, my blood sugar issues have hardly been a problem at all as I've become more in control of it and my body has adapted. But yesterday I had a symptom that I remember having back when my hypoglycemia was the worst.  I woke up Friday morning and was ready to head work when I blacked out.  I didn't actually faint, but I couldn't see anything for about 10 seconds...nothing but black.  I gave my boss a call and told him the situation and I stayed home.

Later, about 3:00 PM, after staying in bed pretty much all day, I decided to try and go somewhere just to see how my body would do.  I did just fine.  I even went to the mall to get a haircut.  The weird thing is, when I had blacked out earlier, I didn't actually feel as if I was going to faint.  I do remember feeling like I was being pulled down to the ground, just like I did when I first fainted in Budapest, but never did I feel sick or weak.  Many rationale has run through my head as to what might have occurred, but I've come to the conclusion that I should just monitor myself for a little bit and see what happens.

I don't think it's anything serious as this seems to have just been a freak thing, but I also shouldn't take it lightly.  My blood sugar issues have always been a mystery to me.  But the doctor told me way back that when I get older, even though my blood sugar issues will have gotten a lot easier to deal with and subside, he also stated that I should still be careful as random symptoms might jump back and get me when I least expect it.  I suspect that this is one of those instances.

So, with all this being said, I think i'm going to go have a salad for lunch.  I think I might try just eating something green and nothing else at least once a day.  No sodas, no desert, nothing that's considered a comfort food.