Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Remember, Remember The Month Of November....

So here I sit at my in-laws house, blogging about the Thanksgiving holiday and how awesome it should be.
But now, as I ponder upon the life I have had these past few months, and knowing what my kids at Lincoln middle school have to go home to, (or lack there of) it honestly makes me sad. Here I am, happy as can be, and my kids are probably back home NOT having the time of their lives. And, of course, this gets me thinking about other things such as children starving all over the world, families who have next to nothing and can't provide for themselves, mothers whose husband's have left them high and dry, and so on and so forth. And here I sit with this deluded sense that I should be thankful for everything around me. But the truth of the matter is there is no happy place in this world, except in our own imaginations.

I become so irritated with people who feel so good about themselves because they are sending a few bucks a month, through a program whose commercial they saw on T.V., to children who have literally no money to feed themselves. These types of people are also the ones who are proud they are saving the environment by driving hybrid automobiles and make sure they let everyone know about it. They also feel that the best way to serve God and be a good Christian is by sitting in church every Sunday and listen to the preacher, and then go home to completely contradict everything they "believe" within those church walls.

Hypocrisy is exceedingly flamboyant within the world today. You can't get around it, nor can you say it doesn't exist. It is the most consistent form of evil in the world and always has been. It is higher than murder, higher than adultery, higher than lying, higher than is the only constant in the world, and people continually deny this. Whether it be verbally and non-verbally, hypocrisy exists so easily on Earth because it is the easiest way to live our lives.

We all want to be good people; we all want to show the world that we are a caring and loving race of creatures. And we do that by sending someone a few bucks a month, or driving hybrid cars, or something that resembles those things. And those people go through life thinking they have accomplished something and make themselves feel good about it. Yet these are the same people who drive mini-vans with Televisions in them, or have bought their kids I-pods because they "want one so bad" and "need one!" They say they can make sacrifices, yet they spend their money on unnecessary material things they don't need. I become so frustrated when I see people doing those types of things, and claiming they are doing good...that they are making sacrifices to help others. but this is far from the truth.

A sacrifice...a true sacrifice....would be me (or you) walking down the street and finding a homeless man or woman, take them into my life and helping them get started. I would give that person a few of my cloths, offer some money to get him or her on their feet, help them find a job, a house, and a way to live happily, until he or she can do it on their own and I can walk away knowing they will be fine.

A true sacrifice would be to go overseas to a foreign country and help rebuild homes, restore communities, and not get paid for it!

No one really knows what making a sacrifice really is. This is why so many children today have unhappy homes. The parents have children and realize they have to give those children their undivided attention and want out!

People think making a sacrifice is by mailing in a few bucks to starving children in another country. If you want to make a sacrifice for these children, leave your lives at home and go live with these children and MAKE THEM FOOD!

I don't know, maybe I'm just over analyzing things, but I don't know what to be thankful for since nothing is better. Things still suck in the world and people try to act like it doesn't exist or it isn't their problem. They say to be thankful to a God who provides everything. Yet there are people in the world who have nothing. I wish people everywhere would realize how stupid they are and start caring more about others than about themselves. Get away from your happy dappy, materialistic lives and make a REAL sacrifice to help others and stop claiming that the small, insignificant ways you "contribute" to society are actually making a big difference to make you feel good about yourself. It's selfish, and evil.

When the world has reached the level of peace and happiness where war and poverty doesn't exist, then and only then can we be truly happy as a race of humans.  But since I'll never see that in my lifetime most likely, the Month of November will always be for me a month where I realize I didn't do enough for others and I can only hope I do better next year.  I hope everyone can one day, feel the same way I do.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Heemstra Hall, Doomed to Destruction....

Current Info: For those who don't know yet, the Board of Trustees met on October 9, 2007 to discuss the future of heemstra (among other things). A group of 8 men from heemstra went to the meeting as representatives of the dorm. They passed out letters from guys within the dorm, as well as a community letter that outlined our hopes as they go about the process. Those letters will be posted here soon for viewing. The Board was also encouraged to go to chapel that morning, where the men of heemstra stood outside with flags, posters, and other heemstra paraphinalia as a statement of support for the letter. West guys joined us as a statement to save small communities.

The Board decided to spend up to $500,000 for preliminary studies with the architect, with hopes to have a building(s) ready by the fall of 2010. They stated that they want student input in the project, and want to do what is possible to keep costs low and yet still focus on community and identity.

The life of heemstra is short, and there is little/nothing to do to save the building itself. What we can do is continue to encourage those with power to do what is possible (and maybe even reach for the impossible) to build small dorms that will allow the culture, traditions, and identities of both heemstra and West to continue. This may be the difficult part. While the Board claims to understand the benefits of small dorms and wants the architect to be creative in building something that supports that culture, but they also are concerned with the cost and it seems will fall to the side of what is cheaper in the end. This is where it will be important to help the architect see the need for a building that is not flashy, but functional.

Here's what you can do:

1. Write a letter for the Board and email it to Mori at . Content that will be helpful at this point includes how the current structure of heemstra adds to the experience and community. Content from the letters will be collaborated and presented to the architect. This is one of the most important things you can do. Express how the different quirks about heemstra effect us - small size, community spaces where we can all fit, lack of marble pillars, lack of air-conditioning, floor size, etc. Think about your own experience and how it would be different if heemstra was built differently.

2. Find someone who has a lot of money and will donate it with one stipulation: it can only be used to build a dorm of 100 guys or less.

3. Get in touch with heemstra alum and have them write letters as well.

At some point, there will be some way for you guys to interact with people who will be making decisions with the architect. Guys in heemstra will be informed about what that will look like when the time comes.

Thanks for your support!  Go to and get a glimpse of this place.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Looking for a place to live....

So This weekend Clarissa and myself will be traveling to the wonderful state of Colorado to find a place to live come August. It's quite exciting, but at the same time, terrifying.

As the move comes closer and closer, more and more issues arise. We have a security deposit will need to pay, Clarissa's will probably get paid once a month, I have no job so how will that factor into being accepted into an apartment?, Clarissa will have text books to buy, I'm looking for a job in Colorado and it's not that easy when I'm in Des Moines, moving expenses, etc etc. The list goes on.

The question that continually ponders my mind is, how in the world are we going to be able to do this?? We are going to have flies popping out of our pockets, buying cheap "bad for you" foods like Ramen, and luxuries like going out to the movies will be an exceptionally rare thing for us.

I am worried but I know will make it through.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Wendy Jans and her new album

This is where I now take the time to shamelessly plug famous people that I personally know personally! (yes, I wrote personally twice on purpose. deal with it!)

Now it's true I might be a tad bit biased about Wendy seeing as how, through the act of marrying my wife Clarissa, I am related the talented musician. However, Keep in mind that I fell in love with Wendy's musical talents even before I knew we were family.

I first heard Wendy at a wedding in late September of 2007 in which Clarissa was related to the bride. (Now Clarissa and I were not married at that time mind you, that momentous occasion was scheduled one week later.) The wedding ceremony went through the motions, the groom seating the mothers, the bride walking down the isle, etc etc. It was a gorgeous wedding! But something happened, Clarissa and I heard (and I'm sure the rest of the crowd heard her as well, duh!) someone singing behind us up in the balcony. She sang beautifully! The song was called "I Wanna Be." And after she was done, I turned to Clarissa, looked at her with eyes open wide. And surprisingly enough her eyes were as wide as mine. (And Clarissa has pretty big eyes!) and at the same time, in one whispering moment, we both mouthed the words....


We were both completely amazed. Later, as Clarissa informed me, I founf out the musicians name, Wendy Jans. Wendy is married to Clarissa's cousin, Eric Jans. It was at that moment of the discovery where I turned to Clarissa and said "Oh, so I guess asking Wendy out on a date is out huh?" She glared at me and gave me the "look." Now neither Clarissa nor myself had the opportunity to talk to to Wendy or Eric afterwards because we had to leave. But we left the wedding completely and utterly amazed at the talent level of Wendy.

A few months pass. While I was being all distinguished and mature like by looking up the latest barbershop quartet videos pirated on youtube, I decided to go to Wendy's website to see if she was appearing in Des Moines Iowa at all. I wasn't expecting much since she lives in Nashville, TN, but you just never know sometimes. I got to her web page, went to her calendar, and behold! She was making an appearance at a coffee shop in downtown Des Moines! Now of course I told Clarissa about it, and her response was,


Seeing as how there was no talking her out of it (wink) I decided we had to go! Please note: Clarissa had no influence on us going to the show, I wanted to go anyway! She just was very enthusiastic about it.) We told many of our friends about the concert and a lot of them came! We found a table right by the stage and waited for the show to start. (I can't remember the name of the place that the show was at, sorry!)

The show was exceptionally laid back, very relaxed and "coffee shop" like. which means one thing...I immediately loved it! I made sure to bring my camera because as everyone knows, I like taking photos and videos of these types of things. (And posting them on youtube later, aaarrr matey, me is a pirate!) And seeing as how we were sitting right up front, there was going to be no challenge what so ever of getting really good stuff! I even got some really good videos of some of her stuff in the process....

Now with all this being said, I'm sure you are wondering "Jimmy, who gives a flying crapola??" And I know, this is a big waste of your time, but here's where I give the shameless plug about Wendy's latest album title "Simple As A Song."

Clarissa and I listen to it together in my car and we both wonder the same thing, how in the world is she not more popular than she is right now? Wendy is one of the most talented musicians we have ever heard. She surpasses any and all of the American Idol winners and should be placed within the upper rankings in the history of music. She music is some of the most energetic and soulful music I've heard in a long time.

This album, "Simple As A Song" is not only exceptionally musical, but the quality of the recording is state of the art as well. I have been listening to the album every time I'm driving in my car and while I'm lounging at the apartment. However, what i think makes the album as good as it is, apart from Wendy's sensational musical talent, is how poetic her songs are. They are written with such enthusiasm and feeling and it all comes from her heart.

I would recommend this album to anyone who enjoys good, quality music. Wendy puts everything she has into her music, and you can tell by listening to her album. If you have the opportunity to hear Wendy live, please do. just go to her web page and browse her calendar and see if she will be performing near you. She has two albums which are are available on her website, or on many other online music stores such as ITunes, CDbaby or Don't pass up this opportunity, buy her cd and enjoy her music.

In addition to having two CD's out, she also has a music video that you can find on youtube. Check it out below...

Also, the reason she is awesome as well, is because she has agreed to record a song with me!! woo hoo!! This week i'll be getting started on my parts, and then i'll be sending it her way and she'll get her parts down. im EXCITED!!!!

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Summer Training Classes For Men

Saw this on and found it hilarious. This is for sure a joke, but still funny to think there are probably men who struggle with these things....

by Friday,June 5th ,2009

Class 1
How To Fill Up The Ice Cube Trays--Step by Step, with Slide Presentation.
Meets 4 weeks, Monday and Wednesday for 2 hours beginning at 7:00 PM.

Class 2
The Toilet Paper Roll--Does It Change Itself?
Round Table Discussion.
Meets 2 weeks, Saturday 12:00 for 2 hours.

Class 3
Is It Possible To Urinate Using The Technique Of Lifting The Seat and Avoiding The Floor, Walls and Nearby Bathtub?--Group Practice.
Meets 4 weeks, Saturday 10:00 PM for 2 hours.

Class 4
Fundamental Differences Between The Laundry Hamper and The Floor--Pictures and Explanatory Graphics.
Meets Saturdays at 2:00 PM for 3 weeks.

Class 5
Dinner Dishes--Can They Levitate and Fly Into The Kitchen Sink?
Examples on Video.
Meets 4 weeks, Tuesday and Thursday for 2 hours beginning at 7:00 PM

Class 6
Loss Of Identity--Losing The Remote To Your Significant Other.
Help Line Support and Support Groups..
Meets 4 Weeks, Friday and Sunday 7:00 PM

Class 7
Learning How To Find Things--Starting With Looking In The Right Places And Not Turning The House Upside Down While Screaming.
Open Forum
Monday at 8:00 PM, 2 hours.

Class 8
Health Watch--Bringing Her Flowers Is Not Harmful To Your Health
Graphics and Audio Tapes.
Three nights; Monday, Wednesday, Friday at 7:00 PM for 2 hours.

Class 9
Real Men Ask For Directions When Lost--Real Life Testimonials.
Tuesdays at 6:00 PM Location to be determined

Class 10
Is It Genetically Impossible To Sit Quietly While She Parallel Parks?
Driving Simulations.
4 weeks, Saturday's noon, 2 hours.

Class 11
Learning to Live--Basic Differences Between Mother and Wife.
Online Classes and role-playing
Tuesdays at 7:00 PM, location to be determined

Class 12
How to be the Ideal Shopping Companion
Relaxation Exercises, Meditation and Breathing Techniques..
Meets 4 weeks, Tuesday and Thursday for 2 hours beginning at 7:00 PM.

Class 13
How to Fight Cerebral Atrophy--Remembering Birthdays, Anniversaries and Other Important Dates and Calling When You're Going To Be Late.
Cerebral Shock Therapy Sessions and Full Lobotomies Offered.
Three nights; Monday, Wednesday, Friday at 7:00 PM for 2 hours.

Class 14
The Stove/Oven--What It Is and How It Is Used.
Live Demonstration.
Tuesdays at 6:00 PM, location to be determined.
Upon completion of any of the above courses, diplomas will be issued to the survivors.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Can Men Wear Skirts???

So, on my sisters blog she posted a video about feminism. What she particularly enjoyed about it was how inclusive it was. typically when we think about feminism, it's partial to women because when we think of the concept of feminism, or femininity, we place it in a category that only applies to females. Which makes sense to a certain extent. And what I appreciate about the video IS how inclusive it is. But the whole point of the video is not about truly about feminism, it's about men and women being equal and throwing out the gender separations of who is strong and who is weak. It's all about equality.

However, There is one question that has been bugging me, one very important question that eats and nibbles at my brain like a vampire all strung out a caffine. We say everyone is equal, or should be. We constantly try to break down the gender barriers so that neither side is greater than the other. And both have been trying to to say "it's ok for a women to work in construction" or "it's ok for the man to stay at home and take care of the kids while the wife is at work." Traditional gender roles are becoming not so much gender roles anymore. But still the question haunts me and tears away at my soul! That question that defines the very nature of the issues surrounding the arguments pertaining to your sexuality and your gender....Can men wear skirts?

Now of course, thanks to people like Michael Kugler, the answer is of course yes. But of course, the correct term is "kilt." But the question is not so much about the specific item "the skirt," rather the issue of what is acceptable. Yes it is acceptable for men to be feminists, but it is not socially acceptable for men to behaive like women in their mannerisms and the way they carry themselves.

Take, for example, the professional setting. Say a group of people at a business firm haold a meeting and it is appropriate, or even required to dress professionally. So this would mean very sharp looking clothing like business suits or dresses. Now here we have the issue! Men would come in Suits. Women would come in either business like skirts , dresses or even suit pants and suit coats. (Specifically designed for women of course.) Now what would happen i, say, a male decided to come in a skirt with high heels, like something you might find a woman wearing? Would it be deemed appropriate or inappropriate? And lets say the male is honestly dressing this way not to make a spectacle of himself, but because he honestly feels like this is a nice way to dress and is business like atire? Still, this male would be looked down apon and would probably be asked to go change cloths, or to leave the premisece and not to come back. yet the women there who are wearing what the men might be wearing are told they "look nice" or "look professional."

Im not trying to say that men are oppressed like women are, nor am I saying that a dress is something that interests me. Rather Im trying to point out that men have this "unstated" standard that we try to live up to or maintain. Women have moved themselves up the ladder by being able to do the things that men do, which include havig the same type of work, dress, and attitude and it be socially acceptable. However, because we are men, it is looked down upon us if we start behaiving and doing the things that women can do. In the case of attire, men truly can't dress like women without being called a "cross dresser" or a "homo." It is a sign of weakness for crossdressing men, but when women dress as a man might, it's not looked upon as anything but NORMAL.

Why is it Women can reach the standards of men in all areas, but Men are unable to reach the standards of women? Why is the phrase "be a man" equated to strength, but the phrase "be a woman" (as little as that phrase is heard or spoken) is equated to something completely different? When we are speaking to men and we say "be a man" means to be tough! But when men are weak we say "you're a woman!"

It's very interesting to me to think of this issue like this. All we have focused on is women fighting the gender barriors, women pushing themselves foreward, women becoming great contributers to society, women doing everything that men can do and much more....but why haven't we been pushing men to be like women? Why is it that Women have had to climb the ladder to reach the level of men, as if the standard MEN have set is the standard that everyone should reach? Is it this standard, the standard of men, that is what is at the top of the ladder? Why can't the men shoot for the standard of women, in all areas? Why can't we say "be a woman!" in the same sense that the phrase "be a man!" is used?

I think women have done things throughout history that have change the way people think. Women are the ones have actually been setting standards of how to live for hundreds of years. And all men have done is sit down on our ass and watch the women do great things. It's the women who have been perservering, the women who have been trying to reach the level that men are at. This is the mindset, for women to do what men can do. Why can't it be turned around? Why can't men strive to do what women can do? When are we going to take out the notion that being feminine is weaker than being masculine?

So I ask again, can men wear skirts? Only when the answer to this question is "yes," and it isn't a sarcastic, or negative, or still not considered normal type of "yes," will I feel that gender equality has finally reached it's goal!

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Sparx Video

For your enjoyment, I showed this video on Sunday May 31st as a promotional video for Vacation Bible School. This year I am a puppet named Sparx. I threw together the cheapest made video in the history of home video making! Keep in mind that I only shot the Darth Vador sequnces once and just used the same scene over and over again, ain't that something! To tell the trth, I just wanted an excuse to dres up as Darth Vodor...HE'S SO AWESOME!!! I hope you enjoy laughing at my ridiculous nature, I know Im still laughing at myself!

And in case the video above doesn't work, try this one below. same video, i just embedded it from youtube.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

My Secret Love For Wonder Woman

I remember sitting in my room reading the latest issue of the Jutice league of America when I was but a wee little middle schooler. My mom yelled at me from down staris, "Jimmy, are you enjoying your comic?" And to my dismay, I could not lie to her. "No I'm not, Wonder Woman isn't in this issue!"

yes, tis true, I have had this undeniable love for Wonder Woman since I can remember. She is without a doubt the female heroine that defines the comic book female. Strong, powerful, willful, and unrelenting. The respect she holds in the DC Universe has yet to be measured. I can't in anyway possibly express how awesome she is. As I look back on the girlfriends I have had in the past, I always compare them to Wonder Woman......and none of them even come close. Everytime I got a new girlfriend, I always saw Wonder Woman, deep within the pages of my comics, giving me all sorts of looks that showed disapproval, jelousy, hatred, etc etc. Wonder Woman, or Diana, would always win the battle. She always won me....

However, I did meet one woman that won my heart, she is now my wife. I had to really fight my feelings deep in my gut. The question I constantly was asking myself was, "Should I stay true to comic book fantasy girl, or move on and be with Clarissa. Clarissa ultimately won out. The days leading up to Clarissa and my wedding was a brutal one. I was still torn between Clarissa and Wonder Woman, and it was a tough battle. And on the day of the wedding, I was reading issue number 5 of the current run. I looked down at the first page and I swear, I saw Wonder Woman crying. Tears ran down her face, and her arms were extended outward, hoping for that chance to embrace me in her arms. And in that moment, out from that pages of that issue, I swear I heard her say "Don't leave me Jimmy, I can't live without you."

It broke my heart to hear her, in these last moments before the wedding, make a plea for me not to abandon her. but I had made a commitment, I was not going to abandon Clarissa for an imaginary female. I said to her, "Diana, I have to leave you."
and she replied, "Will I ever see you again?"
I say, "of course, once a month."
She said, "Do you promise?".
and as she roped her lasso of truth around me, I reply, "Of course, nothing could break the bond that you and I have."
She said, "I will always cherish the times we have had to gether."

And I close the issue and tuck it away in it's appropriate bag and board and slip it into the comic box. I was proud of myself that day. And even though Wonder Woman and I don't really have they same connection we used to, even though we don't converse in the same manner, even though we do not take time and frolick (is that spelled right???) in the fields of dandelions and tulips, When I open the pages of Wonder Woman every once in a while I'll see her wink at me and smile, as if she were saying, "Hey, if it doesn't work out with you and your wife, I'm always here."

So There you have it, my secret love affair with the amazon princess and super heroine. It was a tough battle for me but I believe I made the right decision in who I married. I don't feel that anything could break the bond the Clarissa and I have, NOTHING!!

Wait a minute, oh no! Powergirl issue #1 is coming out this month! WHAT?!?! of dear! she a powerful, strong woman and almost compares to Wonder Woman! oh great Hera, give me strength............

Monday, May 25, 2009

Pride of Iowa Annual Show

So, I was the show production chairman for the Pride of Iowa Choruses annual show that was held this April at Hoyt Sherman Place. It was a comedy based show and I worked exceptionally hard to make sure this show was a success.

however, one thing that seemed to be out of my control was which chapter quartets would appear on the show. My philosophy for this show was "if customers are paying to see a good show, then we shouldn't give them crap." many of our chapter quartets are not good enough in my own opinion to be in this show. So when it was discovered that not all chapter quartets were included, I got a good chunk of chorus members absolutely furious at me. Here are a few comments made to to me, among MANY, from those who were quite angry at me...

"we should include all our quartets! it's the barbershop way!"
"It's quite rude to not include quartets that have been great ambassadors to this chapter."
"You have absolutely no right to say whether or not a quartet can be included in a show or not. That is NOT your decision to make!"

After this huge fuss was made, a committee was formed behind my back to decide what we need to do about the decision I made to only invite certain chapter quartets to be on the show. I told them my philosophy and the entire committee thought this was a wrong way to go about deciding what quartets should be on the show. So, the decision was made without my approval, to invite all chapter quartets to be on the show but limit them to only one song.

I was very disappointed and angry with this. I felt I was being under minded to death. not only that but many complaints were made about the script and demands for a rewrite were made known. I had presented the show idea to the chorus months in advance, and told them exactly what was going to happen and what the theme was to be, and I heard no complaints. and when I finished the script 3 weeks before the show and e-mailed it to the chorus discussion group, I had about half the chorus angry and concerned with the script. And with 3 weeks o go, I had to do a 50% revamping of the script in order to please the chorus. What made it worse was how many ride comments I got about the script.

So needless to say, with the quartet situation and the rapid rewriting of the script I had to do, it was clear to me the the control I had on the show was limited. But what made me very happy were the comments that the audience members left on their comment cards after leaving the show. Here just just a few samples, pay close attention to the bold faced comments....

Parking unsatisfactory-Run a shuttle

Handicap accessibility is lacking

Do show somewhere else

Move to accessible place (The first 8 comments came from the drawing cards)

Show too long

Chapter quartets were not good. please raise standards for future shows.

Lose the puppets

Have music playing before the show

Great Show

First half show quartets need more rehearsing or perhaps need to qualify to sing

Puppets were a disaster

Customers on same side of auditorium as puppets could not see a good portion of stage

Guest quartet should have spent more time singing, less time talking

Show great, but way too long

Some quartets not good enough to sing on show-set standards higher

Ticket prices are expensive for a family-should be $10-$12, kids should be much less

Kids liked the puppets

Jimmy did a great job-Lots of good comments about the puppets

Show was way too long

A quartet or two is not up to par-have higher standards to sing on show. Have criteria and stick to it

Arrange to have some youth group sing with us or for us on every show. Give free tickets to parents and friends of youth. (so long as we are not selling out the house)

Give couple of free tickets to big advertisers

Please qualify quartets to sing on the show. Most of the chapter quartets were not good enough to be on the stage.

Kids loved the glasses-nose-mustache

Be better organized at Saturday Rehearsal-Too much wasted time

Pleased to see narration between songs rather than just "concert" style performance

Good box lunch-Good food at afterglow

Please have quartets qualify to sing onr show, it was very evident that some are not good enough to be singing on a PAID show!

Four people in loge, which blocks view of balcony guests sitting behind them

Auditorium not good for handicapped people. They need to get there earlier before main crowd so they don't have to step over people to get to their seats. Ticket sellers need to indicate to Greg that the customer has a physical problem

Paradigm, Jurassic Larks and Storm front were the only good quartets on the show. please raise the standards for chapter quartets!

Chapter quartets need to qualify to be on show. If they dont meet qualifications, don't put them on the show.

Need to have professional ushers or at least have 6 more volunteers than we had

Second half of show much superior to first half

Would prefer concert style rather than so much talking in between, especially when the talk is not funny.

Have scripting between songs for chorus members, but it should be available 6-8 Weeks ahead of time

Doesn't the chorus have better chapter quartets to sing on your show?

Nice to have afterglow at Hoyt Sherman

Consider matinee, as it could certainly be marketed to retirement centers.

Move tables to end of hallway, as small lobby is very congested

if you espect people to keep coming back to your shows, you need to have good chapter quartets singing.

Tag singing in lobby was very enjoyable, as some guests joined in

Storm Front should sing more and talk less

Need more help with risers, both at show and at rehearsals. Same guys do it all the time

Great to have afterglow at Hoyt Sherman

We Need higher standards for chapter quartets that appear on our show (comment left by chorus member)

Show was way too long

Put drawing card info as part of regular program and have customer tear it out. Then we won't have stuffers failing out of program

Storm Front should have sung more and talked less. Their last number at afterglow was awesome.

Better dialog and jokes for puppets

Afterglow being held at Hoyt Sherman was perfect

Should consider having a matinee again.

These comments were read aloud to the chorus during our chapter meeting the week after the show. Many people on the board were in agreement with the comments that we need to have higher standards for quartets to appear on the show. The board is currently talking about making sure that quartet qualifications for every chapter quartet that wishes to appear on future shows be made in order to make our shows worth seeing! And I personally hope it shed some light on the chorus that when you put on a show, you don't do it to make yourselves happy, you don't it to please the audience...since they are the ones paying to see the show in the first place!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Good Literature

So I was asking myself this morning as a stumbled out of bed and onto my mountains of clothing which I have yet to put away since doing my laundry a week ago, Why do I enjoy Science fiction/fantasy literature. what is it about that genre that captivates me, that thrills me, that makes my blood pump vivaciously? (no rhyme intended he he!) I tried reading other literature genres and non excites me more than sci-fi/fantasy.

My favorite author right now is a tie between Neil Gaiman and Alan Moore. My favorite Book (graphic Novel) is Watchmen by Moore, my second favorite more recently is American Gods by Gaiman. My favorite film is tied between the Dark Knight and V for vendetta. My favorite comic book title is green lantern right now, (although it changes a lot....from week to week mainly.) i find myself arguing with some people about vampires super hero's a lot, like it's the most important thing to discuss with people!

But not only that, I prefer reading stories where people are tortured, heartbroken, diseised, mutilated, gorged, yelled at, pummeled, battered, torn, ridiculed, twisted, skinned, raped, murdered, violated, and just plain rude than any other type of literature. I like the dark twisted stories, where the end is not the end you want or not the ending that makes you feel all "happy dappy" inside. Stories that go against the norm, or whats popular, or what people believe is the "right" thing to do.

Then i asked myself...Why do I like this? why do I enjoy a story where the truth about mankind is revealed as a desolate and twisted way of life? I thought about it, and I decided because it was how I was raised. And I mean that in the bets possible way!

I would hear from people so often things like "TV will influence your kids to become drug dealors" or "this stuff will twist your son an daughters mind in the worst way" or "If they read (or watch) this, I fear for how you will grow up." many people in my life have question what I value and enjoy.

"Jimmy, this book looks really wierd. why don't you read something a little more pleasant?" told to me by an adult in protest of me reading a batman comic book. "
"A four hundred and eighty paged comic book? that ridiculous Jimmy! I do not approve!" By an adult who was protesting against a graphic novel titled The return of Superman.

growing up, I was always taught that reading books, watching movies or tv shows, or being involved with certain things that were typically viewed as a bad thing would be awful for me to experience. Those things would twist my mind, cause me to lead a terrible, unfullfilling life where I would become a member of a gang, or a pimp or drug dealer where I would end up in jail and go in and out of jail continuously my whole life. Or, since comic books have some of the most beutiful people in the world in the most revealing outfits in the world, that I would become a sex addict and cheat on my wife because of it. that and more!!

but look at me now? Im out on my own, working a great job, (took a little bit to get a good that I lied of course) and im married to a woman who supports me and loves me, and I live life to it's fullest.......And I have never stopped reading and watching the things I did when i was younger. And it makes me wonder, why are we scared to allow our children to experience that which we are not familiar with? why do our parents believe that just because a story or a film is about something twisted or weird, that they shouldn't watch it or read it? my mom read so many vampire novels an still does to this day! Her mother didn't really approve of what my mom read and watched, but she did it anyway. Now my mom is one of the most loved professors at her school! She's a well rounded person, who loves and cares for so many people. Same with so many people I know!

I turned out fine, and the literature, films and stories introduced to me by my parents is something I'll cherish for my entirely life. And I will never regret the things that they exposed me to. The type of literature, films, places in the world, etc etc etc, helped shape me to the person I am now! And they raised me with an open heart and mind. thanks mom and dad!

I turned out fine, and the literature, films and stories introduced to me by my parents is something I'll cherish for my entirely life. And I will never regret the things that they exposed me to. The type of literature, films, places in the world, etc etc etc, helped shape me to the person I am now! And they raised me with an open heart and mind. thanks mom and dad!

based on the evidence that here that shows me all of our parents fears of how their children will turn out because of all these things that they fear, Im convinced that it isn't necessarily the stories we are exposed to that shape how we turn out....It's how we comprehend those stories. My parents did a great job at exposing me to all types of dark and twisted stories, but they knew how to explain the meaning of those stories. If we understand the stories, we can accept them for what they are....just stories. Of course they can influence us and do desensitize some aspects of life, but that doesn't necessarily mean they will be a bad influence. We must allow our children to experience the new, the different so they may learn about who they are and what they should become and what they should do with their lives.

I Believe in Nothing

If you were to ask me what my religion is, I would respond "I believe in nothing." Now when I say that, I don't mean to imply I have no convictions or no moral core, I only mean that my theological foundations in my younger years are so skewered that I'm not at all sure what exactly I believe in. And I mean that in every way possible that you could think of. The history of myths branch out everywhere and throughout all forms of literature that it's impossible for me to declare that it is undeniable that the power of myths and embellishment didn't transfer itself into the biblical narrative. And for us to say that the stories the Bible are 100 percent true, knowing for a fact that it was written in a time period that valued the importance of a moralized story, is a tall tale I just can't subscribe to.

And the people within the Church I grew up in continually live with the deluded belief that the Bible, in every way possible is a document that tells us nothing false, contains no fiction, that it was untouched by human hands and meddling. They treat the Bible as if it's this book of rules, of laws, given to us so we might know what we can and cannot do. A piece of literature which sole purpose is to show us what our limitations are, and what behavior is acceptable in order for us to be allowed into Heaven. I was taught the Bible is a book that tells us the absolute truth, and that if you read it correctly, if you read it the way it was meant to be read, if you read it with the love of God in your heart, you will know it's true meaning and what it requires of you as a Christian.

I honestly feel that this view of the Bible is an absurdity.

As I educated myself, as I grew more and more as adult, as I sought more knowledge to help me better understand the Bible and it's teachings I came to one fundamental and undeniable truth....people are stupid!

Last year I told something to someone who now views me as a lost soul. We were talking about the issue of women in leadership roles in the church. I told him (as well as everyone else in the room) this..."how can we claim that the people within the first few centuries of the world were right? It was a time filled with patriotic bastards that had no more respect for women than we do for the feces we flush down the toilet into the sewer on a daily basis" They continually make claims that they have this monopoly on the truth, and they constantly deny what is most obvious....that their lives resemble absolutely nothing of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th (and so on and so forth) centuries of the world. Why does the Church of Christ (and any church for that matter) constantly operate under the belief that they have it all right?

The truth is something that the Church of Christ attempted to drill into my head as early as age zero. They attempted to use FEAR as a way of showing me that I need to become a Christian ASAP. "God has no patience for sin" another fear tactic. Fear was used on me to convince me I should become Christian. It's the truth that I fear me most, The truth that the Church of Christ (or any church with a closed minded view of the Bible) wants all of its members (and the rest of the world for that matter) to believe in. It's that concept of "truth" that continually digs in whacks itself into my brain. Trying to find the "truth" is the most important and vital thing that the adults want their youth to learn in the Church of Christ.

I feel I was pressured more into becoming a Christian first, and than after that very "happy" event occurs, I learn about what a Christian is. Going about things in this manner seem quite backwards. We never allow someone to run for President until they have reached a certain level experience. We never allow someone to receive a job unless we know they have the qualifications necessary. We never allow people into our home unless we know that they are not concerned with hurting us. We are such a nation of people who want to be certain of people before we we accept them. But when it comes to becoming a Christian, no no no, you need to become one first, then you learn about it!

The CoC has so very little value on educating our young first and allowing them to come to the decision of what they should do with their religious lives. They pressure them so hard that we ultimately scare them into becoming something they do not truly understand. And then once they are "Christian" they continually live in ignorance that they are living a Christian life because of the Mere fact that they are members of the "One True Church.".......I know this because I grew up this way.

Now I don't mean to say my childhood was by any means bad, I just acknowledge that the religious part of my life has been so very conflicting and misguided. My parents did their very best to keep my head level as possible. But everyone else in my early religious life continually used fear to teach me and to accept teachings I did not understand or comprehend. And to see how the Church of Christ continually teaches, knowing what I do now of myself, of history, and of the value of a good story, it makes me sad and scared at the same time. To know that their are young people within this church that grew up with the deluded and misguided ideas of what the Bible is, and to know that their will be some that end up like me, not sure of anything as far as religion goes, and ultimately come to the same realization I have come to....that I no longer believe in one truth, truly does make me wonder about so much in my religious upbringing . I no longer believe in absolutes, or unaltered history or a perfect religion. And because of this declaration of myself, I am in the eyes of many church of Christ people, a lost soul.

It makes me very sad....