Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Moved Over To Wordpress...

Hey everyone, I've moved over to Wordpress and started blogging there.  I have two sites...
The first is Heretical Jargon, which is mainly focused around comics and movies
The second is Random Incoherent Jargon, which is my personal blog, mainly focused on life and stuff

I made this move because I wanted to expand my comic book blog into something bigger as I was getting almost 500 hits daily and needed a better blogging source for my readers.  Wordpress allows me to do much more so I decided to switch my personal blog on over to as well.

Don't worry, my personal blog won't be anything like my comic book blog.  So if you don't care about the comic book world, just subscribe to Random Incoherent Jargon.  See ya there!

Personal Blog -