Sunday, December 12, 2010

Sound of the Rockies Christmas Show...Fun Fun Fun

One year later, my chorus again gives off another fantastic Christmas show...better than last year's.  But this year was different.  Typically any Barbershop show with both an afternoon and evening show do very well in the evening and fine for the afternoon.  However, this year gave us two sold out shows, both with very vibrant and enthusiastic audiences.

Now most of you who aren't familiar with the Sound of the Rockies, keep in mind this isn't your typical barbershop chorus.  We present a wide range of musical styles.  We even had a drummer and a world class harpist on the show on separate songs.  We also bring a level of quality in singing to the table that most chorus around the world can't deliver.

While I was unable to get any videos of the chorus actually singing anything, below I've provided some videos of Strom Front, the current International Quartet Champions, who sang a set on the show.  Storm Front is a quartet whose lead and baritone sing in the chorus, with the baritone Darin Drown as our director.  I will have a DVD of the entire show coming to me very soon and can provide copies for any who wish to have one.  Anyways, enjoy Storm Front singing two arrangements of some classic Christmas songs, Silver Bells and I wonder and I Wander.  Enjoy.....

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